Dongho Kang (DK)
Dongho Kang (DK) Robotician at UT Austin



Project Overview


This is a ROS project developed as part of ME495 - Embedded Systems in Robotics course at Northwestern University.

The goal of this project is to use the BAXTER robot and build a “HUGE” tower from plastic cups

You can find the Github repository at the following link:


My role in this project was image processing using apriltags. I implemeted apriltag detection using apriltag_ros wrapper package and published cups’ transformation so that the Baxter would detect and keep track of the locations of the cups.


10 Cups Tower

6 Cups Tower

6 Cups sorting

Project Details

Gazebo Simulation

  • Baxter Simulator
  • Tool utilized to test code without real robot
  • Get the position of the cups with get_model_state service
  • Set cup pose with set_model_state


  • Moveit to set the planning Scene and Rviz visualizer
  • To set the positions of the cups and tables
  • To add the objects to the scene
  • To return information about the scene

Robot Control


Let one hand first place what it’s grabbing, then let the other hand grab the next cup to place.

Computer Vision

  • We used a aprtiltag_ros which is a ROS wrapper of the AprilTag to get x,y,z positions of the cups.
  • We mainly used the Baxter’s right hand camera for tag deteection,but we gave options to use left camera or the head camera.
  • Then which is a MoveIt Python API coverts tf data to x,y,z positions and add positions and visual cylinders that represent cups to the scene that can be seen in Rviz
  • Arm_control nodes use those positions for Baxter’s task for sorting or building cups

Project Team Members

Dimitrios Chamzas

Dong Ho Kang

Yuxiao Lai

Gabrielle Wink

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