Baxter stacks tower of cups with Moveit, Apriltag, and OpenCV
This is a ROS project developed as part of the ME495 - Embedded Systems in Robotics course at Northwestern University.
The goal of this project is to use the BAXTER robot to build a “HUGE” tower from plastic cups.
My role in this project was image processing using AprilTags. I implemented AprilTag detection using the apriltag_ros
wrapper package and published the cups’ transformations so that the Baxter would detect and keep track of the locations of the cups.
Let one hand first place what it’s grabbing, then let the other hand grab the next cup to place.
, which is a ROS wrapper of the AprilTag, to get x, y, z positions of the
, which is a MoveIt Python API, converts tf data to x, y, z positions and adds positions and visual cylinders that represent cups to the scene, which can be seen in Rviz.arm_control
nodes use those positions for Baxter’s tasks of sorting or building cups.