Cup Tower Stacking with Baxter

Baxter stacks tower of cups with Moveit, Apriltag, and OpenCV

Project Overview

*3 Cups Tower Demo*

This is a ROS project developed as part of the ME495 - Embedded Systems in Robotics course at Northwestern University.

The goal of this project is to use the BAXTER robot to build a “HUGE” tower from plastic cups.

My role in this project was image processing using AprilTags. I implemented AprilTag detection using the apriltag_ros wrapper package and published the cups’ transformations so that the Baxter would detect and keep track of the locations of the cups.


10 Cups Tower


*10 Cups Tower Demonstration*

6 Cups Tower


*6 Cups Tower Demonstration*

6 Cups Sorting


*6 Cups Sorting Demonstration*

Project Details

Gazebo Simulation

*Gazebo Simulation Environment*


*Rviz Visualization*

Robot Control

*Robot Control Interface*

Let one hand first place what it’s grabbing, then let the other hand grab the next cup to place.

Computer Vision

*Computer Vision Setup*
*Computer Vision Results*

Project Team Members