robotics Proprioceptive Robotic Hand Design and Control Five-bar linkages multi-dof robotic hand design and impedance control Humanoid Robot Control with PyPnC Whole Body Control and DCM Planner based Locomotion in PyBullet Autonomous Fire Fighting Robot Sensing and Localization of Fire, Grasping, and Operating Fire Extinguisher Cup Tower Stacking with Baxter Baxter stacks tower of cups with Moveit, Apriltag, and OpenCV Impact Modeling with Euler-Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics 4 point mass system impact simulation in Python with SymPy other Whisker-based Tactile Sensing and Shape Classification active vibrissal sensing to classify concave and convex objects using ANN and invtestigation in the transformation from the whisker base frame to the head frame using RL BLDC Motor Control with PID Controller BLDC Motor Control with NU32 micrcontroller and DRV8835 H-bridge motor driver Progamming PIC32 with C UART, SPI, LCD, LED, IMU, and more