[CAN 04] - Gripper Motor Control with CAN Bus

Single Motor Control with ESP32, simpleFOC, and SocketCAN for Robotic Gripper

Code: [GitHub]

Previous Posts:


Optimo Manipulator Pusing and Grabbing a Jenga Block

In the previous posts, we have achieved communicating setting up SocketCAN on Ubuntu and communicating with ESP32. In this post, we will control 1-DOF roboric girpper with ESP32 and SocketCAN using SimpleFOC Arduino library.

This is a collaborative work Roboligent with their robot manipulator, Optimo.


Left: Optimo Arm Right: 1-DOF Robotic Gripper


Wiring Diagram for Motor Control
void setup() {
  Serial.print("MOSI: ");
  Serial.print("MISO: ");
  Serial.print("SCK: ");
  Serial.print("SS: ");

void loop() {

Make sure to install SimpleFOC and Arduio-CAN libraries for Arduino IDE.

Communication Diagram for Motor Control

The host computer will send the desired torque command in double format to the ESP32 via CAN bus. The ESP32 will receive the torque command and send the current motor position in double back to the host computer.

Since the CAN data can hold up to 8 bytes, we can directly encode the double data of torque command or motor position into the CAN data buffer with LSB order. Function such as std::memcpy for C++ or memcpy in Arduino will take care of packing the double data into the 1 x 8 byte buffer. However, make sure to check the endianness of the data to make sure the data is packed in LSB order.

void packDouble(double data, uint8_t *dataBuffer) {
    memcpy(dataBuffer, &data, sizeof(double));

Otherwise, we can directly allocate each byte of the double data into the CAN data buffer like this:

void packDouble(double data, uint8_t *dataBuffer) {
    uint64_t dataAsInt = *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(&data); // Reinterpret the double as a uint64_t
    dataBuffer[0] = (uint8_t)dataAsInt;
    dataBuffer[1] = (uint8_t)(dataAsInt >> 8);
    dataBuffer[2] = (uint8_t)(dataAsInt >> 16);
    dataBuffer[3] = (uint8_t)(dataAsInt >> 24);
    dataBuffer[4] = (uint8_t)(dataAsInt >> 32);
    dataBuffer[5] = (uint8_t)(dataAsInt >> 40);
    dataBuffer[6] = (uint8_t)(dataAsInt >> 48);
    dataBuffer[7] = (uint8_t)(dataAsInt >> 56);

which is not clean but safe way to pack the data.

When a command is recived from the host computer, the ESP32 will send command current to motor by converting the torque command to current command with pre-defiend torque constant and respond with the motor position to the host computer.

We can implement a simple C++ code to read and write over SocketCAN to control the motor.


Motor Cotnrol with SocketCAN. In the video, I only sent float data in ESP32 and received the same float data back from ESP32 instead of double. In this case, the CAN data buffer is 4 bytes instead of 8 bytes.

Now we can control the gripper motor using the same setup.

Using the linear motion of the belt, we can achieve parallel gripper motion. The belt is connected to the motor shaft and the gripper jaws. When the motor rotates, the belt moves the jaws in the opposite direction.

Mechanism for the Parallel Gripper with one motor

We recorded the joint trajectories including the gripper motor to push the jenga piece and grab it by kinestheic teaching (manually driving the robot). We can use the recorded joint trajectories to replay the same motion.


Optimo Manipulator Pusing and Grabbing a Jenga Block